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  • 1998
    30.750 EUR Romania

    Youth education in a Democracy

    The Danish model as an example for promoting education for all (support systems and motivation). Danida 104.A.1.i/1663(970824).

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  • 2001 - 2002
    195.697 EUR Belarus

    Women Crisis Center

    Women and children in crisis. EU Tacis 01-0071.

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  • 1996
    23.000 EUR Romania

    User’s influence and democracy

    Practical know-how and models for user involvement in the daily work with marginalized people, especially the handicapped. Danida 104.A.1.i/1663(960361).

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  • 2013
    14.097 EUR Kyrgyz Republic

    Toogle all

    Under this project AMIS conducted a problem analysis in order to build a bridge between the civil society and the professional social services at national, regional and local level that support advocacy and capacity building in regards to inclusion of vulnerable groups. The activities also included development of a web platform and provision of training for social workers as facilitators.

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  • 2018
    30.280 EUR Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Italy, N.Macedonia, Romania, Turke, Poland.

    Tolerance 360

    The goal was to influence youth workers to encourage young people to appreciate the meaning of culture and tolerance. To make youth workers reflect on the importance of cultural tolerance and its relevance among young people. To demonstrate to youth workers the results of intolerance of each other’s culture. To give youth workers the competence to react and manage cultural intolerance. To give youth workers the competence to help in the integration of immigrants. KA105-2018-128: ERASMUS+.

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  • 1997
    29.400 EUR Romania

    The youth parliament

    To inspire young people to take active part in the democratic process by showing the conceptions of decision making, dialogue, campaigns, information etc. Danida 104.A.1.1/1663(970146).

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  • 1996 - 1997
    38.700 EUR Romania

    The place of boarding schools in the democracy

    Introduction of residential models (boarding (“after”) school) as a constructive element for young people to develop social skills for an active participation in society. Danida 104.A.1.i/1663(960461).

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  • 1997
    8.700 EUR Albania

    The mass media in the middle of democracy

    Democratic processes during campaigns, decision making and information. Danida 104.A.1.i/1663(970192).

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  • 2000 - 2001
    162.211 EUR Romania, Albania

    The club house

    A gateway to the labor market for the mentally ill. EU Phare 99-0286.00

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  • 2005
    3.000 EUR Russian Federation

    Support for social workers in Beslan

    In cooperation with the Union Pedagogues and Social Workers in Russia supporting stress management for social workers in the long term relief work after the catastrophe (like the siege and hostages taking in the school in Beslan).

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  • 2003
    5.000 EUR Belarus

    Summer holiday activities for socially excluded families.

    Tipsmidlerne (DK).

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  • 2003
    6.000 EUR Romania, Denmark

    Summer holiday activities for disabled youth from Romania and Denmark

    Together with Egmont Højskolen, Tipsmidlerne (DK).

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  • 1997
    22.600 EUR Albania

    Social work as a democratic tool

    Best practice model of assisting people in socio-economic crisis. Danida 104.A.1.i/1663(970609).

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  • 1994 - 1998
    900.000 EUR Albania

    Social and psychiatric reforms in Albania

    Establishing a policy and pilot implementation models for modernization of the psychiatric services in Albania towards a community based rehabilitation model. Danida 104.N.286/14. Akt.412.

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  • 1996 - 1998
    89000 EUR Romania

    Social and economic integration of handicapped children and youth

    Establishment of an NGO service structure of small flats/houses for disabled orphans from institutions. Bilateral project with Alava, Basque Country.

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  • 2014
    9.968 EUR Kyrgyz Republic

    Senior citizens as English skills trainers in Kyrgyzstan

    The project provided training for university students in Bishkek in day to day English communication skills, based on inputs from Danish senior citizens. As a result 12 Volunteer senior citizens on retirement have developed training materials which were provided to the Bishkek students in organized training facilities.

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  • 2018
    16.640 EUR N. Macedonia

    Scholarship program for primary school education for children with disabilities and Roma children.

    Situation analysis, assessment and evaluation of the state of play with regards to the existing scholarship scheme. Proposals and appropriate Guidelines for Grant Applicants for the delivery of a Grant Scheme to support the implementation.

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  • 1995
    98.459 EUR Albania

    Rehabilitation of the psychiatric hospital in Tirana

    Rehabilitation of buildings and training of staff. EU/DG1a ALB 95-0825.00.

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  • 1995
    115.103 EUR Albania

    Rehabilitation of the psychiatric hospital in Elbasan

    Rehabilitation of buildings and training of staff. EU/DG1a ALB 95-0824.00.

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  • 2021
    275.556 EUR Denmark, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Portugal

    Ready Active Digital

    To equip education and training systems to face the challenges pre-sent by the recent sudden shift to online and distance learning, including supporting teachers/trainers to develop digital competences and safeguarding the inclusive nature of leaning opportunities. Specific objective: To give support to teachers and trainers in non-formal education by providing free online resources and teacher training for developing digital educational materials in order to enhance the inclusive nature of learning opportunities for NGOs, SMEs and public sector stakeholders. 2020-1-DK01-KA226-VET-094178: ERASMUS+.

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  • 1996
    15.800 EUR Russian Federation

    Public service democratization

    Knowledge and inspiration to public service managers on democratization of the service system for treatment of disabled and psychiatric patients in Perm. Danida 104.A.1.i/1663(960296).

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  • 2001 - 2003
    260.000 EUR Romania

    Project “Caminante”

    Social and economic integration of young disabled people. Private sponsored project.

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  • 1999 - 2000
    150.000 EUR Romania

    Project “Autonomous life”

    Community living models for disabled children and youngsters.

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  • 2000 - 2002
    232.260 EUR Bulgaria

    Penetentiary reform Boychinovtsi

    Youth Delinquency. EU Phare 00-0005 (partner).

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  • 2009 - 2013
    115.000 EUR Belarus

    Patients rights

    Empowerment processes and training of NGO’s members and staff. Capacity building and network training, basic skills training for websites etc.

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  • 2014 - 2016
    133.144 EUR Romania, Italy, Denmark

    No limits-Gruntdvig

    The project developed social economy initiatives for adults with disabilities based on the needs of the target group. Specific objectives: 1. Need analysis in the 3 partner countries; 2. Promoting activities for the target group in the 3 partner countries; 3. Creating a network of NGO type toll for 36 disabled participants; 4. Website training of 36 disabled participant; 5. Integration of the “business” into local societies; 6. Dissemination of results in order to expand the Network to other countries.

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  • 1997
    33.760 EUR Albania

    NGOs and the civil society

    Establishing and activities of non-governmental organizations. Danida 104.A.1.1/1663(970038).

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  • 2003
    140.000 EUR Belarus

    NGO development and social policy

    Assistance to local NGO activities outside Minsk in the field of social initiatives.

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  • 2017 - 2019
    397.563 EUR Belarus

    NEAR-TS/2015/351-264: AGENDA 50

    Agenda-50 is a campaign, which has developed methods and tools for the practical implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities in pilot areas of Belarus: Babruisk, Valozyn, Stolin, Stoubcy, Shcuchyn. The experience is the first experience of planning local policy at the local levels with an empowerment component. “Nothing About us, Withouts us!” is a slogan used to communicate the idea that no policy should be decided by any representative without the full and direct participation of members of the group(s) affected by the policy (disabilities).

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  • 2009 - 2013
    26.700 EUR Laos

    Mr. Hans education as the key for a better life

    Education for students living in pure and rural areas in Laos, Luang and Prabang, by looking for student sponsors, counseling during the education, monitoring of student’s improvement. By a lead local student, Kham Huong Houng and guided via Mr.Hans.

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  • 2006 - 2007
    120.000 EUR Belarus

    Local civil-social community development

    Supporting the social dialogue on addressing local matters of importance, i.e. opportunities for vulnerable groups, economic development, environmental issues.

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  • 2017
    213.078 EUR Romania, France, Denmark

    Interdisciplinary cooperation in Rehabilitation of children and youth with acquired brain injury

    This E+ project, supported by the European Commision, proposed to offer an attractive interdisciplinary on-line collaborative platform with specific learning tools and content, supporting the participants in the acquisition of skills regarding the rehabilitation of children and youth with acquired brain injury. 2017-1-RO01-KA202-037477202: ERASMUS+.

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  • 2019
    38.498 EUR Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Italy, N.Macedonia, Romania.

    Inspire- Social innovation and leadership

    The aim of this project was to strengthen the capacity of youth organizations to foster young people’s responsibility for their social environment through leadership, and at the same time tackle social issues through a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship amongst Europe’s youth. In order to achieve this aim, starting from the organizational needs, the partnershave formulated the following objectives: 1. To strengthen the capacity of the partner organizations and their youth workers to promote a culture of social innovation and entrepreneurship among young people;

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  • 2022 - 2023
    60.000 EUR Denmark, Romania, Croatia

    Inclusion of young neets into the labor market

    The goal of the project was to exchange and contribute knowledge on how to include vulnerable young NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) with special needs in the labor market. The project will clarify how to enable the citizens to participate in the workplace and how to enable the company to include the citizens in solving the actual work tasks. We expected that this project would primarily contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge and inspiration by participating parties and other professionals and trainers. 2021-2-DK01-KA210-VET-000049884: ERASMUS+.

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  • 2013 - 2015
    173.126 EUR Belarus

    Inclusion of people with disabilities

    The aim of the project was to build the capacity of NGOs and local authorities to implement community services for people with disabilities as part of the deinstitutionalization process for individuals living in boarding homes. The goal was to replace institutional care with inclusive, independent living within local communities. Additionally, the project focused on developing a roadmap for policymaking to support the deinstitutionalization process.

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  • 2014 - 2016
    184.952 EUR Kyrgyz Republic

    Inclusion by increasing the social capital in Kyrgyz society

    The project supported sustainable ways of inclusion of children with disabilities and families into their local community. This was achieved through sharing best practice examples in the field of job training and mobile social teams that can support families and their handicapped children in their local communities.

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  • 2004 - 2006
    40.000 EUR Poland

    Half way house Zagorgu

    Developing educational and labor market activities for people with mental illnesses. In cooperation with organizations in Prisitne.

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  • 2022 - 2024
    236.125 EUR Denmark, Cyprus, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania

    Growing youth work

    The project aimed to promote quality, innovation and recognition of youth work through the platform and outputs, as it is an overarching theme and strategic objective of the 2019-2027 youth goals. The key to achieve youth goals is to increase and maintain the quality of youth work across Europe and this can be done by ensuring youth organizations and youth workers are able to learn from each other by recognizing and sharing good practices of other European youth projects. KA220-YOU-2021-012: ERASMUS+.

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  • 1997
    56.500 EUR Romania

    Focus on active Democracy

    Using the Danish folk-high school tradition for rooting democracy and the involvement of people and NGOs. Danida 104.A.1.i/1663 (970609).

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  • 2014 - 2017
    - EUR Ukraine

    Everybody matters

    The project focused on people with mental and physical disabilities and their families in Ukraine. The aim was to ensure the participants feel more included and less stigmatized in their local communities- and not be hidden away in institutions. Moreover, the project supported some of the emergency needs of the institutions for disabled and vulnerable groups in the affected areas.The work was a major step towards inclusion and community based services.

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  • 2001 - 2003
    10.000 EUR Kosovo, N. Macedonia, Poland

    Establishment “Fountain House”

    Kosovo, N.Macedonia and Poland Consultancy on preparing and setting up Club Houses. The World Health Organization (WHO) and private sponsors.

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  • 1995 - 1998
    8000 EUR Belarus

    Establishment of higher school of social work “Attistiba”

    Consultancy and lecturing during the establishment of the school and a Center for Research in Social Work. Bilateral project.

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  • 2008 - 2010
    381.120 EUR Russian Federation

    Empowerment of women working as social workers

    Together with the All-Ukranian Coalition for people with intellectual disabilities emergency assistance to some 250 families with one or more children with intellectual disabilities in Ukraine in 15 localities.Defence and Export Reform Fund (DERF).

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  • 2022
    - EUR Ukraine

    Emergency assistance to people with intellectual disabilities and their families in Ukraine

    Together with the All-Ukranian Coalition for people with intellectual disabilities emergency assistance to some 250 families with one or more children with intellectual disabilities in Ukraine in 15 localities.Defence and Export Reform Fund (DERF).

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  • 1998 - 1999
    110.000 EUR Lithuania

    Development of effective social care institutions

    Preparing for standards and best practices. Training Danida/Ministry of Social Affairs Denmark 15/1/98.

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  • 1998 - 1999
    110.000 EUR Lithuania

    Development and establishment of home care services

    Preparing for standards and best practices. Training Danida/Ministry of Social Affairs Denmark 30/1/98.

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  • 1996
    23.400 EUR Romania

    Democratic integration

    The Danish care model for elderly people, promoting the active involvement of the elderly in the setting of care services. Danida 104.A.1.1/1663(960622).

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  • 1997
    11.600 EUR Albania

    Democracy: Rights and Quality of life

    The relationship between professional standards and user involvement for obtaining a good and active QoL via work and active participation in the local community. Danida 104.A.1.i/1663(970637).

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  • 1997
    7.110 EUR Romania

    Democracy in schools

    The educational process of participation as a method for learning democracy in schools. Danida 104.A.1.i/1663 (960852).

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  • 1996
    21.850 EUR Romania

    Democracy for all

    Social and Democratic reforms in practice within the pre-school area. Parent involvement and staff training. Danida 104.A.1.i/1663(960375).

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  • 1996
    13.550 EUR Albania

    Democracy,decentralization and social psychiatry

    Development of a democratic psychiatry. Danida 104.A.1.i/1663 (960338).

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  • 1994
    20.000 EUR Albania

    Democracy and psychiatry

    Conference on modernization of psychiatric services. Danida 104.N.286.

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  • 1997
    78.200 EUR Romania

    Democracy and political leadership

    Tools for developing political leadership and involvement of the citizens in the democratic processes. Danida 104.A.1.i/1663(970220) (970221).

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  • 1998
    97.650 EUR Romania

    Democracy and education

    Training on local self-government for politicians and staff. Danida 104.A.1.i/1663(970739), (970737) and (970740).

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  • 1997
    25.300 EUR Bulgaria, Romania

    Democracy across borders

    The Danish model for co-operation in border regions. Danida 104.A.1.i/1663(970669).

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  • 2003
    50.000 EUR Russian Federation, Lithuania

    Cross border co-operation

    Half-way houses for mentally ill youth. Frederiksborg County (ARF).

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  • 2017
    66.530 EUR Denmark, Lithuania, Belarus

    Cooperation of Denmark, Lithuania and Belarus in improving the quality of life for patients of cancer

    Belarusian and Lithuanian specialists and NGO-volunteers received knowledge in the results system of oncology assistance and best practices in all partner-states, including medical guidelines, provision with pharmaceutical drugs, psycho-social rehabilitation, guiding for cancer patients, utilization of modern approach in oncologic nutrition science, physiotherapy and other methods, rights and responsibilities of all the subjects, participating in rendering assistance to cancer patients. Awareness was raised among all target groups and stakeholders in Belarus as well as in Lithuania and Denmark.

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  • 2001
    23.000 EUR Slovakia

    Community integration for Roma

    Support for the establishment of community centers. EU Phare/Dialogue Development.

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  • 1997
    26.000 EUR Albania, Romania

    Communication and Democracy

    Democratic processes during campaigns, decision making and information. Danida 104.A.1.i/1663 (960831).

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  • 1997
    14.400 EUR Ukraine

    Communication and Democracy Ukraine

    Democratic processes during campaigns, decision making and information. Danida 104.A.1.i/1663(970678).

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  • 2003 - 2006
    80.000 EUR Albania (Kosovo)

    Club house Tirana

    Developing educational and labor market activities for people with mental illnesses. In cooperation with organizations in Pristine.

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  • 2011 - 2013
    152.475 EUR Belarus

    Civil Society Organizations (CSO) platform for active citizenship in Belarus

    Strengthening of the capacity of Belarusian citizens and their civil associations to participate in decision making and public policy dialogue on national, regional and local level. Managing and updating the Website: Policymaking activities for civil society development via international Consortia EUROBELARUS and Eastern European (EaP) civil society forum.

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  • 2013 - 2015
    100.800 EUR Romania, Turkey, Austria, Italy, Denmark

    Building strong school family community relationships

    The objective of the project was to improve and strengthen the school-family-community relationships. This was achieved by organizing training sessions which were open to a wide group of trainees: teachers, parents, community members, students aged over 16.

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  • 2012
    64.533 EUR Kyrgyz Republic

    Breaking the ways: inclusion in Kyrgyzstan

    The focus of this project was promoting inclusion and empowerment for the most severely disabled people in Kyrgyzstan (Strictly the rights of the disabled). Partnership Activity Goal (mission): Building a partnership between the Association of Social Workers of the Kyrgyz Republic (ASWKR) and as a platform for international cooperation on inclusion of people with special needs, and empowerment of actors (authorities and civil society) dealing with inclusion.

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  • 2022
    - EUR Ukraine, Denmark

    Assistance to Ukranian refugees with intellectual disabilities and/or autism in Denmark

    40 people, 22 of which were with intellectual disabilities/autism were evacuated from the Kyiv area together with mothers and siblings in the localities of Bornholm and Vordingborg.

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  • 1998 - 1999
    500.000 EUR Bulgaria

    A school for everybody

    Preventing school drop-outs from schools. EU phare/dialogue development.

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  • 2020
    30.055 EUR Denmark, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Turkey.

    4th Industrial Revolution

    As artificial intelligence becomes more and more common in the workplace, the importance of skills which cannot be compensated by technology (yet) has been significantly increasing. According to the Global Talent Trends 2019 report, 92% of hiring managers reported that it is equally or even more important to hire candidates with good soft skills than candidates who score high in hard skills. Only 8% of managers would hire a candidate based on their hard skills, compared to 30% who would prioritize a candidate with good soft skills. Therefore, it is important that young people acquire those skills which are in high demand on the job market. 2020-2-DK01-KA105-075217: ERASMUS+ 4TH.

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